Friday, March 25, 2011

ID Your Hair & Shampoo

Hi Lovlies, I am really tempted to do another movie review, but since I already did two recently I thought I should changed up the post a little ^^ hehe. ( but stay tuned for a movie review post 4 the next post!) 

Today my topic is Hair & Shampoo. For the longest time I been using the same shampoo : Garner. Recently I was chatting with my friend and she told me she stop using Garner because it caused her to lose a lot of hair. I start to wonder if Garner did the same for me. I did remember having the same thoughts when I first use Garner, but eventually I thought it’s normal. Finally I changed my shampoo, I didn’t research what I should get, instead I just randomly pick one. 

Now, I think my hair actually deserved more attention from me than that. But even with all the good reviews of a certain shampoo, it doesn’t automatically means it will be suitable for me. First, we have to ID our hair type then we ID the shampoo. 

If you know our skin type, you probably know your hair type also. Our skin type is usually the same as our hair type. Of course it doesn’t hurt to double check. My mother told me that I have oily skin and hair for the longest time and I just believe her without doing any research. Now I discovered I have combination skin and hair. 

* Normal Hair * 
Is the best kind of hair. It has the good balance of oil and moisture. Hair is easily manage and lay flat after wash. Good diet and exercise will easily help you maintain your hair.

* Dry Hair * 
Not enough oil produce and cause hair to break easily. Dryness may also cause itchiness in the scalp. Oil massage and Vitamin B is beneficial. Avoid harsh shampoos. 

* Oily Hair * 
Too much oil produced attract dirt and cause dandruff. Avoid harsh shampoo or junk food in your diet. 

* Combination Hair*
Combination of dry and oily hair. The scalp is oily while the tip is dry. When shampoo is needed, the tip is soft and great, but after shampoo the tip looks dry and lifeless. May have dandruff. Hair tip break easily. 

After you ID your hair type, it should be easy to pick a shampoo. Since we have so many different type of shampoo that aims at each type hair. Additional to these hair types, if you have curly hair, choose shampoo with moistures. For even more hard to managed hair, choose protein based shampoos. Make sure the ingredients are on top of the lists. Last but not least, for colored hair, make sure you use color safe shampoos. 

As for shampoo brands, I haven’t tired that many because as I mentioned I been using Garner forever. I did heard that Shiseido Shampoo is the best seller in Japan but it is consider a harsh shampoo if you don’t dye your hair often. ( almost all Japanese girls dye their hair so, it is a very popular choice there) 

So what Shampoos have you tried and did you work for you?! Please share!

xoxo HitomiNeko xoxo

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